One thought on “Mikkel and Ellinor went to the pub today…”
After a burger, the kids walked around the bar, holding hands and laughing. The 5 grownups enjoyed food and beer, – and had it very cosy. ❄️❄️❄️❄️Very cold, – 12.7 outside our house, – 17.3 outside Marte and Lars-Eriks in Heimdal (do you know that Heimdal translated means Home-valley?)
After a burger, the kids walked around the bar, holding hands and laughing. The 5 grownups enjoyed food and beer, – and had it very cosy. ❄️❄️❄️❄️Very cold, – 12.7 outside our house, – 17.3 outside Marte and Lars-Eriks in Heimdal (do you know that Heimdal translated means Home-valley?)