First lunch birthday party with bestefar, BesteMarit, Sara, Lisa (and Sander) then digital birthday party with granny, Haydn, grandad, grandma Chris, Naomi, David, Jackson, Daisy (or Dan, Dan, and Dan, and Dan, Dan, Dan and Dan).
First lunch birthday party with bestefar, BesteMarit, Sara, Lisa (and Sander) then digital birthday party with granny, Haydn, grandad, grandma Chris, Naomi, David, Jackson, Daisy (or Dan, Dan, and Dan, and Dan, Dan, Dan and Dan).
It was great fun and sooooo good to wish you a happy birthday….. remotely- needs must
An inspired moment ;
Dan, Dan, Dan, Dan etc masks were great , film was and company ?
Happy Happy Birthday – this auspicious Birthday at this auspicious time ??