
We drove into Ålesund, parked and walked in a big touristy queue up to Aksla. Looked at the view, had some food, walked down again. Did a walk in the rain, went to some shops and Naomi bought a Norway 🇳🇴 – hoodie. Pretty wet, walked to a café where we met Silje (it was planned) and had more food. Went to the jugent centre, but it was closed drove home and had some MACRELLS!


Now staying in a nice Airbnb outside Ålesund after packing up and leaving refviksansden and then spent an extra half hour to go see a weird stone.

The kids did some swimming and dan did some fishing. Caught six huge macrells! Then dinner by David. Very nice.

Førde – Måløy

Left Førde quite late. A bit of chilling and swimming in the pool. Got some ferries. Got to Måløy where we camped at refviksansen. Very nice beach. Some people swam. “tapas” and “bonfire”.