2 x match

Ronjas team played Ranheim at Hammersborg and Mikkels team played Sørsia Lions at Munkvollhallen. Ronjas team lost, but played really well. Mikkels team won (first u14 match) 41-27. Not to brag but Mikkel scored almost half the points!

Ranheim cup

Mikkels (Sverresborg Hoops G12/U13) first cup that is actually a cup and not EasyBasket is at Ranheim this weekend. So far they have won all matches. Mikkel and Victor also played an extra match to help the G14s.

This morning they are playing the other Hoops-team aka their own. And that will be exciting. Looks like one of those is going to the final. Which will be at 14.00

(om noen vil komme og se er det i Ranheim idrettshall!)

This and that since the holiday ended. We have had all seasons twice and been for some walks and stuff.